Sunday, September 27, 2009

NAME National 2011 Convention - DELIGHT

I am serving on the NAME steering committee for the 2011 convention to be held in Cleveland, Ohio. This convention involves 2 years of detailed planning for a full week of NAME activities, workshops, exhibits, sales room,meetings, tote bag favors, centerpieces and much more, all with miniaturists in mind. 500 miniaturists from all of the United States and some foreign countries gather together to share and enjoy.
As the regional coordinator , it was my pleasure to travel to meet the steering committee members , meet new people and enjoying seeing friends. I am in charge of souvenirs- 3 outstanding miniature pieces were selected to be given at major dinner functions as gifts to all convention attendees. What a challenging task as ithe submitted sample pieces from artists all over the United States were outstanding. But the decision was made, now a HUGE secret to be kept until July of 2011.
In traveling home ,a 6 1/2 hour trip, I could think a great deal . I thought about how this committee chairmanship is so very much like being Santa Claus.. being the person who gets to keep the secret and then gets to announce the secret . From a podium, watch as 500 NAME members open their gift, your hear silence, then applause as the gift -a frozen moment of delight!
Then, I thought, of my son, the joy of christmas mornings, birthdays, the sound of a gift being opened, the silence and then the squealand look of delight..
3 of my favorite picturesof my son

but now, at the age of 25- his gifts to me, bring me delight!


1 comment:

i beati said...

omg what a fun job and these pictures are delightful