In the past 4 days I have been working hard at being the new NAME ( National Association of Miniature Enthusiasts) A-3 regional Coordinator. I am putting together my team of fellow miniaturists who will truly enjoy taking care of our members in Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky and West Virginia. I spent 2 days in Louisville at a show called Three Blind Mice- I was so thrilled to have meet so many new people, delighted to have 4 people join NAME as members and am pleased to announce that a NAME club will be formed in Evansville, Indiana.
I head to Indianapolis, Indiana mid week for the ground breaking ceremony for an addition to a miniature museum in Indianapolis - then a day or two at the Indiana State Fair-and by the weekend I am on my way to a miniature show in Dayton , Ohio. I spent time today creating a new website for my region- it was time for a new look and a new web builder site was a must. I inherited a web site builder that was ancient and not very user friendly.
Add to all of this - my son, in the Army, should be receiving his orders to be sent home this week! Which means as soon as the call comes from him stating such, I head to his home in Virginia - I have not written of this but this past February - he suffered a stroke ( he is only 25) .. he is a graduate of the College of William and Mary and was on his way to a career in the intelligence field, then to grad school this fall.. his life and ours has quickly changed. He will continue his education but now will prepare himself for law school.. but first we need to get him well...
These are pictures of exhibits from the NAME National Convention held in Indianapolis a few weeks ago- these are member projects that were on exhibit..