Friday, July 24, 2009

To love life....

Give the music a moment to catch up with this picture before you begin to read.....

To just look at these miniature characters makes one smile, you can just imagine the entire scenario, make up a story about them and wish you owned everyone of them for your miniature collection.

I found this picture on a site about clay and have no idea who made them- they are British made...from "Bag of Character" the search is on to find this artist.. who has inspired me...

At the recent NAME convention , I was fortunate to take a fimo clay class called "Chocolate Decadence" - instructor Carl Bronson from the state of Washington- Seattle area ( and guess what- next year's convention is in Seattle". I came home with wonderful chocolate pastries and could be added to the scene. Making food from clay - well, I was a bit apprehensive. Carl made it easy and answered questions that I was just to afraid to ask ( no one wants to ask the dumbest questions in front of 50 people who all seem to know already what they are doing!)

1 comment:

Sandy Kessler said...

How very special just makes you feel good all over..sandy