I have 4 dollhouse kits unmade- do not even ask about how many I have already but one is a "Mother Goose" house filled with anything and everything from her stories, another house is a beautiful white farm house - another a victorian "fairy tale" house, which features items and characters from fairy tales - the best is a Bluette Mooney 2 story shop- it is exquisite and I am now ready to make it a Kentucky Derby hat shop with the hat maker studio upstairs.
So today, as I was searching for a rooombox, I discovered the kits unmade and said- ok, Stuart Little- you have been waiting for me... so I unpacked the kit, placed the pieces on table #3 in my studio and thought, I can have this ready for Christmas!
I leave this Sunday the the National Association of Miniature Enthusiasts National Convention - Indianapolis-over 560 miniaturists from all over the United States and world come together for a week of workshops, swaps, mini shopping, seminars, luncheons, and fun.... 7 days of overload on miniatures