Sunday, March 7, 2010

Alice in Wonderland

I posted a long time ago about this movie, how I would be there right away when it opened. I saw it on Friday and it is wonderful, more than wonderful. I will see it again, buy it and watch it again and again. As a miniaturist who lives in a magical world every day, I think Tim Burton has created magic.
But then in this picture, I am the rabbit with the white top hat on, so I guess I have been living in an " Alice in Wonderland World" for a long time.
Tim Burton's version is filled with "there is just too much to see" moments. I felt like I missed seeing so much as there truly is so much to see and take in. As always, this is an adult movie, well, yes you can take your child but there are some scary scenes, the Jabberwocky is scary and when you watch the movie in 3-D, I jumped several times in the movie as I felt I was right there, I felt I could catch the butterflies, catch the dandelion seeds floating, danced with the Mad Hatter ( oh, yes Mr. Depp is truly a Mad Hatter!). It is a must go see movie... ONLY IF YOU BELIEVE that is.

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