When I tell people we raise miniature sheep, they just do not quite understand this breed called
Southdown Babydolls. This is Gracie born 10 days ago, weighing in at 6 pounds. She will get no bigger than 24 inches in height, these sheep are tiny , wooly teddy bears. As you can see in this picture of Buttercup, who had twin girls.
Gracie has become my baby, bottle feeding as her mommy was unable to give milk. We have gone from every 4 hour feeding to every 6 hours. I have brought her home and yes, she follows me just like the song " Mary had a little lamb", she follows me everywhere. She will crawl right up in my lap, snuggle in for a nap if I am sitting on the floor. Potty trained too!
So miniatures have been put away for a bit ...