I just realized I have not posted anything in awhile, guess I have been really busy, which, yes, I have been.
Yesterday, I traveled to the Great American Dollhouse Museum in Danville, Kentucky where a
year ago, I started the " ball rolling" for my friend, Alice Zinn from Florida, to put on a workshop here in Kentucky. Alice had been a dealer at the Tom Bishop International Miniature show last week in Chicago and a year ago we talked about her stopping at a dollhouse/miniature museum on her way home to conduct a seminar/workshop. Lori Kagan- Moore , the museum curator, graciously allowed us to have the workshop in the wonderful community room. With hot coffee and snacks , plenty of table space and everything provided for us we began. At approximately 3 pm our creations were completed leaving us time to tour the museum and do some shopping in Lori's gift shop.
How very fortunate thirteen ladies joined together from all walks of life were able to enjoy not only Alice's charm, wit and her never ending techniques and tips, we made some new friends. We chatted and visited as we created the most marvelous oriental table. Alice's friend, Loraine , who traveled to Chicago to help Alice at her dealer table also sat down with us and made a table. Loraine in Chicago took Alice's class on making an Oriental Screen, using the same technique but larger and more detailed. I have also posted several other Alice pieces using the same technique that we learned. You will also Alice's creatures... I do intend on her making me a border collie of our own, Abby.
Three other members of my own miniature club, the Blue Grass Miniature Society of Lexington, Kentucky were also part of the group and you can see them hard at work in a few of these pictures from our day of play.